I am a court reporter in Washington DC and I love my job. Everyday is a new and exciting adventure. I get to work in the best city in the world and I truly enjoy working with my clients. I find that attorneys are some of the nicest and most sincere people out there. Court reporting is a wonderful profession and I enjoy every moment I am working. Being a realtime court reporter in Washington DC is a big advantage. There is a lot of complex litigation here and my clients love that they can read the transcripts during the depositions. I provide Apple Ipads to them so they do not have to worry about bringing additional computers. As a court reporter in Washington DC, I also work with government agencies on a regular basis. It is truly amazing just how much of the world revolves around my city. Being a court reporter in Washington DC is great and I am very good at what I do but I also think there is room for improvement in me and for my trade. It is critical that I keep up with technology because it impacts and changes so many parts of what I do all the time. Because I embrace technology I can now deliver web conferencing services to my clients at depositions. I bring an additional laptop, connect to the internet and click on a button and we are connected with other parties in other cities. It is very easy for me because there are technical people at Olender Reporting that set this all up from behind the scenes. The quality of the web conferencing is better than many Polycom video conferences I have been a part of over the years. There are other technologies that I can incorporate into my services as a court reporter in Washington DC. I can now videotape a deposition using a new system that was created for me by Olender Reporting. It is really going to change how depositions are done in the future.

A court reporter in Washington DC
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